Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Aimee Lax; a young british artist

Recently completed a website for Aimee Lax a practising
artist, based in the medium of sculpture/ceramics.Not only
is she a
friend but a very talented young lady. Wont go into
details of her
work here but if you do some how stumble
across my ramblings
go check out her work. I hope I have
done her work justice.

In your face 2

The complete arc team: Fiona, D, JMac, Carolyn,
Jonny and Roberto. 1st draft but pretty much there.

In your face

Doing a series of simple portraits of people that happen to
be in close proximity to me. Started off as a work related
project but enjoyed creating them so much I shall continue
until I become bored of it. This one tis me.