Friday, December 15, 2006

Classic chilis


TV on The Radio - Staring at the Sun video

Great band, great new album. Check out this one of
there ealier singles. Was one of the key highlights

at the ABC in Glasgow this year.

The Phrase Creature T-Shirt series: OFORFUKSAKE

First in a series of creatures that have certain phrases
in there design. This one based on a phrase will was
very keen on using: O for fucks sake!
I must admit that I am quite partial to saying that myself.

The alternative back was designed for William Morris.
Hense the montage of both him and the famous uk
designer. The antlers represent Sweden where he lives.

ATARI 2600 T-Shirt series: Superman

What a console and what a game!

Confused the hell out of me as a kid and so did
Indiana Jones one as well. Still to this day I have no
idea what I am doing.

This is my ode to all things atari 2600. designing
a series of T-Shirts based on these old cartridge games.
Got a one off printed on a hoodie and it looked really good.
Would love to see this screen printed.

Supes on the front with Mr kent on the back.

spirodart screen print

spirodart promotional 50 x 70cm screen print.

Currently screen printing.

colours may vary from screen.

Seven to be printed

My self promotional website I finished back in March 2005.

Basically a porfolio site showcasing graphic design and
photography. Needs updating but I never seem to get
round to doing it.

Maybe one day soon.


Monkey hair series: The Dave

Another design in the monkey hair series. This time my brother Andy
is the target. Loosely based on his rock mullet style of the late eighties
and Dave Mustaine from Megadeth. Glad you grew out the fringe EVENTUALLY.

Main image on back and spirodart logo on front.

Monkey hair series: The Mike

One of a series of monkey t-shirts and large format
screen prints. Idea began as a christmas present
for mike. Based around his hair style of long ago
and the whole long fringe and short back style that
was so popular in the late eighties.

Main image on back with spirodart logo on front.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Aimee Lax; a young british artist

Recently completed a website for Aimee Lax a practising
artist, based in the medium of sculpture/ceramics.Not only
is she a
friend but a very talented young lady. Wont go into
details of her
work here but if you do some how stumble
across my ramblings
go check out her work. I hope I have
done her work justice.

In your face 2

The complete arc team: Fiona, D, JMac, Carolyn,
Jonny and Roberto. 1st draft but pretty much there.

In your face

Doing a series of simple portraits of people that happen to
be in close proximity to me. Started off as a work related
project but enjoyed creating them so much I shall continue
until I become bored of it. This one tis me.